Last Night In Karaoke Town
Karaoke isn't Cool. Karaoke is in fact, the antithesis of "Cool" if we define "Cool" as that feline quality of aloof detachment that makes you more attractive to people seeking your attentions precisely because you won't give them. Karaoke, the practice of you, an amateur, singing your heart out in a dive bar for the amusement of your fellow drunks, will never be that. It's also like my favorite thing. Because as with storefront theatre, karaoke is the practice of wearing your emotions on your sleeve and presenting your vulnerable, authentic self at your unselfconsciously cheesiest and not caring how you look. That's why it will always be MY idea of Cool. Mike Beyer and Kirk Pynchon's play Last Night In KaraokeTown , currently being performed at the Factory Theater directed by Kim Boler recreates a karaoke dive bar experience with almost Uncanny Valley level accuracy. Shannon (Ashley Yates) slings cheap, domestic beer behind the bar while Ken...