
Showing posts from October, 2024

Alabama Story

   I paid to see this show and it was a preview, therefore my post on Alabama Story  will be more blurb than review but let's say it's a positive blurb.    Kenneth Jones' 2013 play, presented by the GhostLight theatre ensemble, is a somewhat gentler, less intense chapter of the tumultuous Civil Rights Movement than we may be used to but those smaller stories are worth telling as well. The plot takes place in Montgomery, Alabama, 1959 and concerns an ambitious State Senator's (Tom Goodwin) efforts to ban a children's book The Rabbit's Wedding  about a black rabbit and a white one finding love, from the public library, and the vigorous defense mounted by library director Emily Wheelock Reed. (Maria Burnham) Parallel to this story is the occasionally tense, sexual and otherwise, adult reunion between childhood friends, African American Joshua (Khnemu Menu-Ra) and white Lilly (Haley Basil) As I said, it's a story worth telling, particularly as the right wing imp