Peeking from behind the couch

Hello readers,

To reintroduce this blog, I was once a freelance theatre reviewer back in the storied late Oughts/early Tens. Then the online media infrastructure of the time collapsed (I think it's been reborn and re-collapsed I'm going to say seven or eight times since then, but I don't keep very close track)

But in my deep desire to tell the truth to the people, but honestly mostly my desire to score free theatre tickets, I relaunched my reviewing career in 2019 so that worked out...for a while.

Did we win the war? On Covid? Drugs? The Japanese? The British?

I don't know, but it's 2023 and I'm back on the beat, and I will probably be reviewing like one show a month for the benefit of the twos and threes of people who might read them!


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